Free Fields

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Free Fields

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Use Cases

The following field types are eligible:

General-purpose field whose values must be entered (Has no formula = no) or calculated; to use it in several estimates, refer to Multilingualism and How to Fill in the Cells.

Field "from expanded WBS" i.e. referring to a previously defined free field, breakdown field or special field, and tracking its value in a given progress  

Special fields:

WBS special

General Purpose Field

GENERAL SECTION : determines the cells content.

The table below describes the attributes:


Field name


Data type

Has formula

Copy value to Quantity column (Estimates)

Copy value to Quantity column (Progress)


Conditional formula

Synchronize when linked

Show in total rows

Internal ID

Name to show as (sub-)heading

Name of  column set it belongs to (or new name to group column)

- numeric

- text

- date

- any (of preceding)

- Any file
















-If you have entered a formula, in addition, Result of formula









Alphanum. chars.


No  / \  [  ] % & allowed


File imported by right-click and Document handling.


This turns Quantity into a slave column. See How to Compare Several Versions

Used only with WBS variables


Click the cell twice to open the editor (or right-click to Formula editor).  Wrap the mnemonics with brackets. The operands are separated with ; in the editor and , (comma) in the viewer. Global variables are allowed in the formula.

Used to highlight value (entered or calculated) based on a test.
Use pattern when rows are colored.
Up to 3 tests (rules) by field.

Click the cell twice to open the editor.

Syntax without IF:

Operators are >, <, =

For Links Between Tasks.

Available only to  Numeric, Date or Text types, and when no formula is applied.

- Nothing: the cell in all total rows is blank,

- Sum; the Totals must not be checked in the Entry allowed attribute

- Result of formula: used when column contains average, ratio..

Example for various values of Show in total rows:

- Nothing: AK contains the formula =AI22*2

- Sum: AL contains the formula =AK22*AF22

- Result of formula: AM contains the formula=IF(AJ22<>0;AL22/AJ22;0)











Refers to field

Progress statement

Visible in estimate

Visible in progress statement


Entry allowed

General Purpose FIELD









By default: Branches+Minutes+Shared estimates (Totals is an extra context)

FIELD from Expanded WBS















By default: Branches+Minutes+Shared estimates+Totals

Gantt fields: read-only











In edit mode, all columns are visible

How to Compare Several Versions (WBS)

Read only attribute



Column from Expanded WBS

Refer to How to Compare Several Versions (WBS).


Special Column

Special Columns are used for merger of sub-estimates, multilingualism, attachment of a Word™ document or Excel™ workbook to a row, ...:



Refer to Task Sharing. Merge ID is a mnemonic used to link estimates; to repeat it in the Minutes view, insert the field WBS_Guid.

Alternative: check boxes in the Owners Name dialog box. (Refer to Owners Book).



Available if the Gantt diagram is controlled by the WBS. Refer to Calculation Options and WBS & Tasks.



Refer to Comparison with a Top-Down Method.



Refer to Multilingualism.



The column Document allows to attach a Word™ document to each node row. Refer to In-Row Documents.

This  document is used in publishing. Refer to How to Build a Master Document (Template).



An in-WBS workbook can be attached in each node row. Refer to In-Row Workbooks.



Refer to How to Empower the Minutes with Quantity Calculation Capabilities.