Owners Book

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Owners Book

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Use Case

A child estimate owner is a sub-contractor, subsidiary or business unit in charge of estimating a particular section of the main estimate. (Refer to Task Sharing.)

These stakeholders must share a repository where they save their estimates (and possibly templates). This is also defined in the owners book.



Tool: Expanded BoQ, bar Automation>Collaboration>Sharing


To create a book of users indicating to which extent the estimate row can be shared:

1.Select User Management

2.Enter names (the chars \ / :*?"<>| are not allowed in the name)

3.If there is a need to indicate where the child estimates will be stored when sharing the estimate, double-click in the Owner Path column

4.If you want to prevent the child estimate from being imported by the parent until you allow it, check the Protected box  

5.Click OK


The two next columns are autofilled after Task Sharing.  

To delete a name, select the cell and press Space or Del.

To import the owners book from another estimate, refer to How to Import Data.

The name and path can be pasted from an Excel file.


- The default state of the boxes Protected depends on the box File>Options>Settings>Set child protection to TRUE as default in the owner name

- The dates can be erased by the Clear button

- The dates can be restored by the macro Read List of Sharing User available in the Sample_With_Time_Frame estimate.