QDV Tools for Excel

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QDV Tools for Excel

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You can Export to Excel QDV7 sheets. Instead, when a BoQ or a model has already been provided in Excel format, you can fetch data from QDV7 under Excel.

Requisite: Excel 2013 or later.

Save your selections often, both in the floating window and with File>Save.



Activation: in the QDV7 suite, open QDV Tools for Excel, click Activate QDV Tools for Excel, then Close.

On QDV7 update, cycle this toggle.

In the QDV tab, the Settings icon features the General tab to define the user interface behavior.

If the messages and labels are in french, set QDV7 to english (refer to Language) and restart the PC.



QDV7 Ultimate edition comes with an Excel Add-In featuring Proposal tools:


Pricing on tasks : distribution on WBS levels across BoQ tasks


Pricing + Distribution (detailed distribution across columns according the kinds of costs)


Creation of a Gantt diagram based on the WBS

Only one application can be used in one file.

To access the log, go to File>Account>About QDV Tools for Excel>Logs.


Installation in ASP mode (Terminal Server, Citrix, etc)

The remote pricing stations connect to the server, using a password, through the standard utility called Remote Desk Connection (the server runs the Terminal service) or using Citrix.

The Add-Ins are added to the register base on connection.


Use With Two Monitors

If Excel is run on a secondary monitor, the pane might not be visible. To remediate this (with recent versions), check File>Options>General>Optimize for compatibility, then restart Excel. Refer to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/office-support-for-high-definition-displays-6720ca0e-be59-41f6-b629-1369f549279d.


Index of Featured Screencasts


Final Column: Values by Calculation

Distributing values by Equalization

Adding an Extra Customer Source: Two sub-estimates


Breakdown of unit prices

With free column, second formula and chaptering: Breakdown on extra column

Forcing a value & compensating on quantity