The nodes can be shifted graphically by drag-and-drop in the structural view.
To shift a column, switch to Edit mode (refer to Actions), right-click it and select Move Column left/right. You cannot intersperse a column within a set of columns. If the column value is used in a formula, the formula automatically adjusts accordingly.
To adjust a column width, switch to Edit mode, select a column, right-click it and select Column width. In the Dialog box, either type the desired width and click OK, or select Drag and, in the reference row A, B, C... where the caret appearance changes, drag the column's right border. Alternative: bar Home>Format>Cell Size.
To collapse/expand a column group (i.e. with one parent), click the icon –/+. A change in appearance/width applies throughout the group. To show a column(s) other than the first one in the group, expand the group, select the column(s) to keep (using Ctrl when necessary), and click in the context menu "Show column when the columns are collapsed".
To edit the field name (as it is in the Fields Manager, i.e. different from the Mnemonic), double-click the heading and enter another name. This does not work for native columns.
For the Language special fields (Descriptions and Units in another language), you can enter the & operator to concatenate a language suffix (if it has not be done previously in the Fields Manager). You cannot alter the Descriptions and Units words.
For the other attributes, right-click and select Properties, then press Edit to access directly to the field in the Fields Manager (Administrators only).
To spot a column, right-click and select Show column(s) or Insert field(s). Then check the row in the dialog, and click Go To. Refer to How to Insert/Restore Columns.
The position, color, width, visibility, the collapsed state ... of the columns can be transferred by any user from an estimate to another one.
To save a layout, select any column, right-click and select Save column layout. Name the clb file.
To load a layout file, switch to Edit mode, right-click and select Load column layout and the appropriate clb file. As a result:
▪The layout is applied
▪The columns in the file that were missing in the target are inserted inasmuch as the visibility permissions are not broken
▪The columns in the target that miss in the file are removed
▪The fields whose formats mismatch (e.g., text in the file and numerical in the target) are removed from the target.
To reset the administrator's layout: right-click Reset columns layout for users profiles.