How to Insert/Restore Columns

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How to Insert/Restore Columns

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After its creation in the Fields Manager, insert a column

on the left of a given column: select this column and select Show column(s) or Insert field(s)

as the rightmost column: right-click outside the WBS and select Show column(s) or Insert field(s).

As the Expanded WBS features a variety of columns created with the Fields Manager, the dialog is different than the Condensed WBS one. Prior to removing the filter, only the invisible fields (with a pink pictogram) are listed out. To show a column (in its previous position), select and check it, and click Insert:


To quickly find a row in the list, enter a string in the upper right corner and click Find and remove the Visibility filter.

The search is not case-sensitive.

To return to the full list, click the X in the input box.



Hiding: select the column(s), then right-click and select Hide column(s)

Restoration in its previous position: select any column, then right-click and select Unhide column(s) or Insert field(s); select the row in the dialog, and click Insert.  

Alternative: Home>Edit>Format>Visibility.

ico_tipTo notice that columns have been hidden, switch to Edit mode and look for gaps in the references sequence.