Getting Started: How to Build a WBS in QDV from Scratch

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Getting Started: How to Build a WBS in QDV from Scratch

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Select the menu File>New and name the estimate. This shows a preset empty frame that features:

three rows reserved for a general title

two rows representing the start of a set of tasks

the total amount row

the Options section:



To develop the estimate, refer to How to Develop the WBS.

A quicker way is to use a source estimate; there are several ways to do it:

import: refer to How to Import Data

drag and drop a node of the source structural view to the top node of the destination structural view

run the steps 1 ... 4 of the example described in Programming.


Another way uses an Excel file as source:

1.Open the estimate and select either the Condensed or Expanded WBS

2.Select Data>Import from Excel

3.Select Replace; this opens the Conversion module

4.Enter x where needed in the structure

5.Click Check & Build; the estimate closes and reopens.


NOTE If you select Side by Side, a temporary estimate pops up in a new window at the right of the calling estimate. You may want to drag & drop branches from the temporary estimate structure to that of the calling one.

ico_tipThe macro Build_Entire_Estimate_From_Excel_File in the Multi-languages sample can be used for training. It requires an Excel file such as <installation folder>/Samples/Stuff_4_Macros/Sample_Import_Structure.xls. To run the macro, select Automation>Macros>Run Macros.