There are several ways to retrieve the native location of inserted articles and sets using (Open) Source of Rows:
From the Minutes
Whether the article belongs or not to a set, its source is retrieved the same way, thru selection and clicking the icon .
The same procedure applies to retrieve a set's source.
If the message "The base does not exist" pops up, click the dialog box launcher under the icon, and check out the Database path; if, due to changes, the path indicated in the article is missing or the number does not correspond to the database, insert again the article/set.
From a Set Database Viewer (List of Articles)
The source of an article included in a set (refer to How to Record a Set) can be retrieved when the Set database is in Connected mode.
Select the icon ; this opens the source database and selects the article in it.
If there is no source, a message 'No database' pops up.
If the set nests another set, the nested set is selected on the right-hand; click the icon to open the original database; in the viewer the set is selected.
NOTE If, thru configuration, the set viewer does not feature the List of articles, the icon is grayed out.
From the Set database Editor (List of articles)
Use the context menu Open Source.