How to Develop a Set

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How to Develop a Set

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A  table of articles includes:


sets nested in another set

virtual articles.

To view an article in its original database, select it and click oeil, or right-click it and select Open Source in the context menu.

ico_tipIf a cell value is partly hidden, switch to Edit mode, select the cell and read the whole value in the formula bar.

The rows of the articles can be handled in Edit mode.


From a Database

To add an article to a set:

1.Select the set in the editor

2.Open an article database

3.Select an article in the database

4.Drag and drop the article to the List of Articles belonging to the selected set


To insert a whole database into an EMPTY set defined thru the context menu Insert new set or based on a sub-section title in the Minutes view:

1.Export the database to Excel; refer to Database Modes

2.Select the set in the editor

3.Select the header in the Articles sheet

4.Click Data>Microsoft Excel>Import from Microsoft Excel

5.Select the database xls file; this populates the Articles sheet.


warning This procedure poses a risk of frame incompatibility at insertion of the set into the Minutes. In this case, only the set is inserted.


Virtual Articles

Tool: editor, Database>Manage Articles

or Articles flap context menu




To insert a virtual article, select Insert Virtual Article; this inserts a row after the current row (or after the header) with quantity and database path set to 0:



You can populate the set using a macro. (Refer to Macros.)  


More on this   Nested Sets