Sets From the Database of the Estimate

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Sets From the Database of the Estimate

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You can refer to a set from the database of the estimate in a Minute or on any level of another set.

You can NOT record a part of a set coming from the database of the estimate; in other words, the first row of the selection must contain a line number.



To selectively delineate the depth where the set is collapsed:

1.In the Minutes field manager, add a new free field through Special columns>Set handling columns>Collapse level of sets from the base (of the estimate). Its mnemonic is COLLAPSE_LEVEL_SETS_FROM_BASE

2.Insert the corresponding column

3.Select for the highest header the highest level to show:  0: fully expanded (default value), 1: fully collapsed (the +sign shows), 2 ... 8: highest displayed level; as a result, the structure is cut down.


Clicking the +/– signs changes the value in the row in the COLLAPSE_LEVEL_SETS_FROM_BASE column. Thus all the sets with the considered level in the clicked instance get collapsed or expanded.

Unlike the +/– signs, the special field applies evenly to all the nested sets in the current set.


To collapse at once all the sets in the whole estimate or the current task, refer to How to Create Sets of Minutes.