Publishing QDV

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Publishing QDV

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To publish QDV, click either option:



When an official version is published, it is automatically copied to beta publication folder so that beta updates are always equal or greater than official updates.


Version of HTML Pages and Encoding

QDV Publishing Tool creates sub folders in your web site: Official_Vx and Beta_Vx where x is the version of the tool matching the format of HTML pages and encoding. This format has to be in accordance with client programs. Let's say you publish a release using version 4 of HTML pages and your users still have a client version which is 3, they won't be able to read your publication.

For this reason, QDV Publishing Tool creates a sub folder whose name contains the version so, clients having version 3 download their update from folder version 3 and client having version 4 download their update from folder version 4.

When you receive a version from Publisher's web site which has a new HTML format, the version of the Publishing Tool is automatically incremented and the next publication will create a new sub folder in your web site. At the same time, new publication pages are copied to old folder so that next time clients are updated, they download an application able to read the new format.

When you have such changes in HTML format (which is very rare), a message is posted at publication time




You don't have to worry about it because copies are automatically handled. The only issue is that you cannot rollback your users' applications in such a case. The reason is, in our example that it your users are already upgraded to version 4 of pages HTML pages, they are no longer able to read pages in version 3 so, if you decide to reinstall an old version of QDV to publish it, they won't be able to upgrade.

warning End users (clients) must have sufficient rights to enable writing to their own QDV installation folder.