User Sheets
Tool: Edit mode, bar Home>Edit>Format
To hide a user sheet:
1.Select the sheet
2.Switch to Edit Mode
3.Click Hide & Unhide>Hide Sheet.
To unhide a user sheet:
1.Switch to Edit Mode
2.Click Hide & Unhide>Unhide Sheet; this opens a dialog box
3.Select the sheet to show; as a result, it is restored at its latest position in the workbook
The content of a free special cell (A1 in user sheets, A2 in native sheets) controls the visibility.
1.Select the sheet
2.Switch to Edit Mode
3.In the special cell, enter {HIDESHEET} to show the sheet only in Edit mode, enter {SHOWSHEET} (or, if it is disturbing, one blank char) to always show the sheet
NOTE If the permission of seeing the sheet is missing, {SHOWSHEET} has no effect.