There are two ways to create/edit an article:
▪Directly in the database in Edit mode: click Append Article; then a new row shows at the end with the Reference columns filled with ‘New article’. Edit the value
▪From the minutes by recording/updating the article into the database
The second way is described here. There is no need to open the database.
Tool: bar Data>Databases
Recording a Minute in a Database
1.Select a minute or several adjacent minutes
2.Click Data>Record Articles; this opens the database selector
3.Select the target database in the selector; to record the minute, click Save or double-click
4.To check out the new article(s), select the minute and click Source of Row (or the context menu Data handling>Open source database of the row).
- To be recorded, a group master must be expanded and have a reference. The composition of the group is not retained.
- If an identical article already exists in the database, a dialog box pops up if the database behavior is set to Reference only (refer to How to Change a Database Behavior) and let the user decide:
If the behavior is set to All Fields, a change on any of the 5 base fields produces another article; therefore the dialog box does NOT pop up and a new article is added anyway.
Updating an Article in a Database
1.Select a minute linked to a database
2.Click Data>Update Articles; this updates the article
If QDV7 cannot access a database, it produces the message 'Database does not exist'.
The reverse operation is described in the Minutes chapter (How to Update an Article Row).
The "Update articles" function works in the reverse direction therein.
An article reference cannot be updated as it is the clue to recognize the article. If the database identification behavior is set to All Fields (refer to How to Change a Database Behavior), no update can occur in Description, Reference, Family, Manufacturer, User field.
- For interchange, a free column must be created for both the database AND the minutes with the same mnemonic. Refer to How to Create Free Columns with Custom Behavior - DB
- If the Currency lacks in the Minutes, QDV7 takes for the article the currency of the estimate
- The article is not updated in a set it may belong to
- The fields which are not editable in the article editor are also NOT overwritten at update (but they are valued at recording)
- If it has a replacement field in the estimate (refer to How to Customize the Behavior of Native Columns and How to Create Specific Set of Columns with Custom Behavior- MT/WF), the original field in the database is overwritten with the replacement field. If the latter exists also in the database, it is never overwritten.
The columns whose entry is not allowed in the database Field Manager (refer to How to Create Free Columns with Custom Behavior and How to Create Specific Set of Columns with Custom Behavior) cannot be updated.
If the database permissions management is activated (refer to How to Change a Database Behavior), the articles can be updated, but not recorded: