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The Field Manager features a workbook embedded in a resizable dialog window. The workbook includes four sheets whose tab names are:

Free columns

Native columns

Material sets of columns

Workforce sets of columns.




To zoom in/out the workbook, hold down the key Ctrl, and roll the mouse’s wheel.

The first column (Mnemonic) is frozen so that it be always visible when you scroll horizontally.

To adjust a column width, select a vertical border in the upper rows with letters, and drag it to the desired width.

To adjust a row height, select a horizontal border in the left-hand column, and drag it to the desired height.

To delete rows, select the rows, and click the button Delete row(s). A message warns that the corresponding columns, if inserted, will be stripped away. Alternative: right-click the row, and select Delete row(s).


A grayed cell is not editable due to other field's attribute; change it to enable the cell.