Publishing in Silent Mode

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Publishing in Silent Mode

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The directory C:\<Users>\<user name>\APPDATA\Roaming\QDV7PublishingTool contains up to four files :

SavedValues.ini,  basic file for the publication of QDV7

SavedValuesProMoPlus.ini, basic file for the publication of ProMo+

ServerOptions.xml, setting file for the publication of QDV7 as ClickOnce (refer to the previous topic)

ServerOptionsProMoPlus.xml, setting file for the publication of ProMo+ as ClickOnce.


As you can install QDV7 in in silent mode, you can publish in silent mode.

Paste SavedValues.ini, and possibly ServerOptions.xml, to any folder.

Append the following switch and parameters to the Publishing tool path:

/S <BETA or OFFICIAL> <Folder containing above files> <Full Path to log file>

for example

"C:\Program Files\QDV 7\Publishing_Tool.EXE" /S BETA "C:\mySettingsFolder" "C:\Temp\MyLogFile.txt".


If an error occurs, there is no publishing; as a result, the end users keep the previous release. You can read the log file.

When the publishing succeeds, the last lines in the log file are:


Total length in compressed files: XXXXXXXXX bytes