Use Case
In a Citrix or TSE (Terminal Server) configuration, it is desirable to enforce settings of each module on the client computers.
General Procedure
1.Install QDV7 on a Citrix or TSE server
2.The server administrator grants write permissions to one or several application administrators
3.These users configure QDV7 as wished; database paths, fast access buttons, etc
4.They run <QDV7 installation folder>/App_Server_Publisher.exe
5.They create <QDV7 installation folder>/AppServerCommonData
6.They click the Settings button
7.In the dialog box, they check the Enforce? box of each setting that they want to keep
8.They click OK
9.They click the Publish button; any user opening a new instance of QDV7 running on the server will see the settings enforced. They can be modified temporarily, during the session but as soon as the instance restarts, the enforced settings come back..
As the selection is checked/unchecked, the paths of the database must be taken from those declared on the server (Data>Path management) and the default folder imposed or not.
All settings being in the following files can be enforced:
▪%APPDATA%\Roaming\QDV\QDVSettings.xml (general settings – database paths, colors, etc.)
▪%APPDATA%\Roaming\QDV\QDVSettingsMain.xml (settings of the main module)
▪%APPDATA%\Roaming\QDV\QDVSettingsConverter.xml (settings of the converter module)
▪%APPDATA%\Roaming\QDV\QDVSettingsManagement.xml (settings of the management module).
NOTA Avec Citrix, la fenêtre “Sélectionner profil…”, qui apparaît quand l'utilisateur ouvre un devis, peut être cachée derrière l'application.